Mastered Translation and Interpretation for Italian and Spanish Language. Studied abroad, in Italy and Spain, where I had the opportunity to develop my skill and…

I am a creative content writer with 15 years of experience in various industries, including gambling, sports, and e-Sports.

Profesionalni crtač, slikar i rad u Photošopu. Dizajn 2D FOTOGRAFIJA – PROFESIONALNO – DIZAJN, OBRADA FOTOGRAFIJA, REKOMPOZICIJA, FOTOMONTAŽA. FOTOGRAFIJA. Dizajn logotipa. Dizajn brenda. Uređivanje fotografija.…

I am a native Croatian speaker, and along with Croatian I have been speaking Italian and English since 6 years old, so I am as…

Hello, my name is Kornel and I realy want to help you guys with editing photos and create a proffesional logo. I really enjoy editing…

My name is Ivana Ševo and I am student at the third year at Information technology at University of Zadar. During the collage I have…

I am a professional graphic media artist. I’ve been editing videos and photoshopping for several years (around 5). I bring quality work and charge depending…

I graduated from Administrative school in Zagreb as administrative clerk. During 4 years of attending mentioned school I learned fast typing (225,1 wpm) and transcribing…

I work as application tester; I mostly work with Selenium but also with Jasper Reports. For some time I have been learning HTML, CSS and…